
'The Real Housewives of Miami' Season Finale Preview: Is It Also a Series Finale?

'The Real Housewives of Miami' Season Finale Preview: Is It Also a Series Finale?

As The Real Housewives of Miami (Bravo, Tuesday, 10 p.m. ET) heads into its first season finale, lots of people are wondering whether this is also a series finale. Bravo doesn't love its Housewives unconditionally; the network is reportedly considering divorcing itself from the low-rated D.C. ladies. And the ratings down in the Sunshine State haven't been so hot, either. Bravo hasn't made any announcements, but it might be saying "buh-bye" to Adriana De Moura-Sidi, Larsa Pippen, Cristy Rice, Lea Black, Marysol Patton and Alexia Echevarria.

Why haven't viewers embraced the RHMIA? The preview clips for the finale may offer some clues. In this one, De Moura is on a boat outing with her boyfriend, Frederick. In her gawdy, barely-there bathing suit, the flighty beauty poses on the bow, spreading her legs wide and saying, "Don't crash the boat." The effect isn't sexy, though; it's a little desperate and creepy. "Bathing suits like this should be illegal," says Frederick, sounding ridiculous.

The second clip is funnier, because it features the season's unintentional star, Patton's mother Elsa. Her botched plastic surgery (or is it just too much plastic surgery?), her bizarre comments and her profession (she's a spiritual "seer") make Elsa an intriguing and irresistible character. If only the other women were as interesting as Elsa, the show might have pulled more viewers in.

In the preview clip, Elsa meets Pippen and "reads her vibe." "You are very worried about a man," she says, ominously. "But I can't talk now. Too many people here." Is she suggesting that there's marital discord in the Scottie Pippen household, or is she just being provocative? At the very least, she manages to unsettle Pippen, who certainly wouldn't want this trouble-in-paradise implication being stated so publicly. Larsa has already come off as one of the snootiest snobs in the cast -- and the proudest of her husband.

Truth is, the women of Miami might actually be relieved if the show gets canceled. When someone's spooky, vibe-reading mother emerges as the one to watch, that's a real sign that no one on this show came off looking particularly good.

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